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CHURCH AT THE WALL - Autographed Copy

CHURCH AT THE WALL - Autographed Copy

$18.00 Regular Price
$16.00Sale Price

Seth David Clark tells the powerful story of how the Border Church, founded and pastored by John Fanestil, worships on the San Diego–Tijuana border without a building. Every Sunday afternoon the author, who serves as the Pastor of the Border Church, gathers with people of good will from both sides of the border at Friendship Park to build the basileia (kingdom) of God. Their love of Christ is exhibited through celebrating communion, singing, and using their pinkies to pass the peace through the mesh metal walls between the U.S. and Mexico. Readers will get to know this remarkable international church community—and its distinctive expressions of theology, justice, righteousness, and love—through the eyes of active participants.

“In 1971 first lady Pat Nixon dedicated friendship park, straddling the border of Tijuana and South San Diego County, with an optimistic statement that the meager fence consisting of a few strands of barbed wire would one day be taken down. Pat’s sentiment has not been realized; to the contrary, the border fence separating the U.S. and Mexico has grown exponentially, even in this little enclave.


“Yet, in this pessimistic backdrop, the Rev. Dr. Seth Clark (or just “Seth” as he prefers to be called) evokes a hopeful tone anchored in the Basileia, or Kingdom of God. Transcending the geopolitical border is a little bit of heaven on earth. Families can be briefly united, not physically “enough,” but certainly spiritually in this church without a building and walls. In a place with an imposing wall, hope prevails because the ecumenical church exists despite the wall, without denominational boundaries."


“In his academically sound, and to some politically challenging, way, Pastor Seth invites you to a unique, bitter-sweet place that seeks to carve out a corner of God’s vineyard amidst an imposing border wall. In reading Pastor Seth’s journey, you will encounter the people, place, Pulitzer Prize-worthy photographs, and things that make the Church at the Wall a critical book to read. It is an essential read for anyone who wants to be informed, deeply moved, and motivated to action by what takes place in the hearts of the people who call The Border Church their refuge.”

Andy Quient, Executive Minister, American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles, the Southwest and Hawaii


Working towards increased public access in the U.S. and preparing for the future of an INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP PARK

© 2022 Friends of International Friendship Park, Inc. 

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8010 Anders Circle

La Mesa, CA 91942




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